Something I have always dreamed of is being a careerwoman. I’ve also always dreamed of traveling the entire world, thus not picturing my career taking place in an office setting. Most individuals do not see how these two things can be possible in one lifetime.
You know by now that I am not ‘most individuals’.
I read a book once called The Four Hour Workweek. The basic premise of the book is that people waste a lot of time in office settings, and that ‘working from home’ can cut down on a lot of time clutter, thus improving efficiency, both for the individual and the company they represent.
Whether it be socializing with coworkers, endless brainstorm meetings, or messing around on the internet, I spend a lot of time not being conducive toward my job description. I usually fulfill my job in about 100 minutes total.
I personally believe that my company could pay me a stipend of the equivalent to my 25 hours a week at $10 an hour, have me come in once a week, and get the same quality of work done (if not better). I should have stated that case to my boss today.
Today, for the first time, I asked my boss if I could work from home. The conversation lasted about a minute, I didn’t make a great argument, and ended up being told I could distribute my hours on to other days. So, now I work late every day next week.
This isn’t a great feat, but for me, I feel that it is a career first, and something that I can build upon. Wish me luck.